Symbols for Work Replica Calendar

Symbol Meaning
🔊 Meeting where I am the presentor or primary contributor (very talky)
🔉 Meeting where I am a significant contributor (I’ll talk a decent amount, but here and there)
🔇 Confidently 99.9% Read-Only
🤝 One-on-One or Team Meetings (Likely a conversation/talky)
🐕 One-on-One with a “Big Dog” (boss, boss’s boss, CIO, God, etc.)
📓 Training, Seminars, etc. Mostly read only, but I do anticiapte dialog (“90% Read-Only”)
🏢 Standard Department-Level Status Meeting, CAB, etc. Generally a read-only call, but occassionaly I’ll contribute.
🤫 Blocking–focused work time, lunch, etc. Not on a call.
Weekly review–organization time (a variety of focused work). Not on a call.
Not entirely sure how this will go–I anticipate it being somewhere between read-only and contributor.
🤷 SEP. I’ll attend because I’m told to, but, hey, I’m not planning on being here forever, so I’m not going to push anything too hard.
🦚 Boss-man is on the call. He'll dominate everything, so it's not clear why I need to be there.

This site was created by Charles Barilleaux.
Last updated on June 28, 2023.
Hosted at